You’ve got a big, dirty job ahead of you, but those are the best kind with the grinding gravel yard set. Grind the Play-Doh gravel from the two colors of Play-Doh modeling compound and then ferry it over to your heavy-duty building project in the bed of your cheerful, ready-to-work chuck the dump truck vehicle. When he dumps it out of his truck bed, you can get to work, big-time. Set includes gravel yard base and support stand, gravel maker and crank, chuck the dump truck vehicle and 2 two-ounce cans of Play-Doh modeling compound.
Customer Reviews :
By Chad Sullivan (Rockville, MD)
This was given to my son for a 3rd birthday gift. It proved a little difficult to crank at first, but once he was shown how to hold with one hand and turn the wheel with the other, he was off and running. LOVES playing with it now. Normally sets that use press forms like this spit out strings of material, but this one has 4 shapes it's spitting out, and it cuts them as it creates. This generates what looks like a pile of little chunks in the dump truck, an extra little bit of realism.
It also comes with a mat, which makes cleanup a little easier as well. Overall I'd say it was well worth the low cost.
By Andrea Gómez -
my son is happy in the toy now want to have all your friends to complete the collection, fulfilled my expectations, came at the indicated time
By Chris Rasher
Nice toy for grandsons. Well made and works good, kids love it very satisifjied with quality and price, would buy again.
By P. A. Ladd (Upstate NY)
My grandson loves dirt. This occupied him for over an hour at a time "making" dirt and trucking it around the mat. My oldest son loved it too!!
By Kristina
Fun little toy, delivered fast. the Little Chuck truck fits underneath to receive loads of gravel. Not only does the gravel yard make gravel... it is a great way to "refresh" play-doh that is drying up. Run it through the gravel mill and sprinkle with water, especially if you set it overnight back in a container to absorb. My little man loves play-doh and loves construction so this was an obvious choice for Christmas. Would recommend to others.
By A. Swain
My 4 yo is into all things construction. This tiny fold out mat and mini-tubes of black and gold play-doh make the perfect little play area on our kitchen table. Using the tiny match box size construction cars along with the little Chuck that came w/ this set, we make lots of gravel and bricks and pretend to make roads. Love that the coating on the mat allows for easy play-doh clean up. Of course, when the weather is warmer, we'll be digging in real dirt, but this small pleasure was worth the money.
By Kelli T.
I love this Playdoh set... and my son does, too. Unlike other sets we have owned, the playdoh never gets stuck in the grinder, which is one of my biggest frustrations with these toys. My son loves to load up the back of the little truck with bricks or gravel and then dump out the entire load on the playmat. Lots of fun for a pretty low price!
1)The playdoh does not get stuck in the grinder - so that makes cleanup easy!
2) t's great for imaginative play and it doesn't take up a lot of space.
3) The grinder has small molds on the side, allowing you to make bricks and tires.
4) Inexpensive
1) At 2 1/2, my son can't work the grinder on his own. I have to do it with him.
Video Diggin' Rigs Tonka Chuck 'N Friends Grinding Gravel Yard Set Review
Diggin' Rigs Tonka Chuck 'N Friends Grinding Gravel Yard Set Images Product

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